West Bay Road
+504 9484 6659
Normal operating Hours
Tuesday-Friday 5.30pm-8pm
Globally Inspired- Locally Prepared
The covid closure allowed us to spend a huge amount of time in our garden, ultimately changing the way we do business. We have started a large hydroponic project growing an abundance of basil as well as mint. Additionally, we have a deep water hydroponic system growing tomatoes. The herb hydroponics are situated along the railing of the restaurant deck.
Some of our older trees, planted over the years, have started to produce. We have pineapples, Jamaican apples, starfruit, limes, guavas, hog plums and cashew. Our compost heaps are continually being added to and our compost tree feeds many of our hydroponics and our grounded plants. Our chickens and quails love restaurant scraps and in return we get an abundance of fresh eggs which you will often see featured on our menu.
We refer to our garden as a "working garden" Its not beautifully landscaped, and there is wood and tools discarded all over the property. It a constant work in progress! For all of our garden project we strive to upcycle, reuse, repurpose old building materials. If the gate down to the garden is open, you are welcome to take a walk around while dining with us. If its closed, you may want to ask as our rather loveable but fierce guard dogs will be out and about.